One to One Support

People looking at a computer screen. It has a section of a health questionnaire on it. This section is about you nose. The people are pointing at the screen. We are looking over their should so we can't see their faces.

Take a leap forward for £500 

Accelerate your Health Journey with ten one-to-one sessions, where we work with you, at your pace, to help you tell your Health Story, and explore your options, choices and some likely next steps.

Each session is 50 minutes of support time that helps you:

  • Discover what you most need help with, and how

  • Complete the Health Story in the way that works best for you

  • Take a deeper dive into your health and what is and isn’t working for you

  • Have more informed and empowered conversations with doctors and clinicians .

  • Recognise barriers to getting the care you need, and explore ways to get past them

  • Be more confident in talking about your health needs, and in complaining when things don’t go right.

  • Get the most from using Health Heard!

Book Now

You can also book pay-as-you-go One-to-one Service Support session for £50.

Should cost be an issue for you, please let us know. We have a limited number of spots per month at £35 for those on low incomes.

Or you may like to support us in our research and test out new features for free, or even be paid to participate.

Join our community to be the first to hear about opportunities to take part.

Why might you need support?

Do you find it difficult to talk about what is going on for you?  Maybe it's upsetting, or you're worried that something will be left out.

Maybe you've never used this kind of service before and don't know what to do or say.

Your health issues or stress might be making it difficult to focus, remember things, or describe what's happening.

You might need help understanding and expressing your needs and concerns, and finding the right people to help you.

We are very well-placed to help you fill in the gaps, and ensure that you find the right help.

Our experiences of living with complex health issues and disabilities, and focus and memory problems means that we know the kinds of support and encouragement that really help. We take the best from design, health coaching, communication support and problem solving, along with plain common sense,  and listening to you.

We are here to help you #GetYourHealthHeard. 

Please note, these sessions offer coaching, listening and support with using Health Heard, and are NOT counselling, or a medical appointment, and are no substitute for medical or specialist care.